The Final Events. The Millennium. Part Twenty-two in a Series.

The Final Events. The Millennium. Part Twenty-two in a Series.   At the second coming of Jesus, the Millennium begins. With the saints in heaven and the wicked dead on earth, Satan and his demonic hosts are bound in isolation to a desolate planet in complete ruins. With nobody to tempt and deceive, the devil […]

The Final Events. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ.   Part Twenty-One in a Series.

The Final Events. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ.   Part Twenty-One in a Series. As the suffering, struggling children of God flee from the rage of the wicked and wrestle in their hearts to be assured of God’s favor, suddenly, an unusual cloud approaches the earth, small at first, but increasing in size […]

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Christ- The Joyous Experience of Salvation

The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Cross and the Great Controversy

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Christ- The Joyous Experience of Salvation In earlier chapters, we studied the various facets of the objective gospel — the plan of salvation that has already been prepared and provided for all humanity in Jesus Christ.  In chapters 10 and 11, we saw that the truth of this gospel […]